Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ludwig von Mises

The Federation of Damanhur

This collection of images were made by photographer Jim Needham in the Temple of Humankind of The Federation of Damanhur, Italy during his first visit in 2002. The Temple is an underground wonder built as an offering to all people by the citizens of Damanhur. The images are from one of the seven seperate chambers representing only a portion of their amazing accomplishment.



Time- like space- is an aspect that characterizes our universe, and therefore it exists only in relation to matter, in its manifestation of mass/energy. Outside the world of matter- which Damanhur's philosophy calls the 'World of Forms'- we can imagine that time does not exist.

In Damanhur's philosophy time can be considered from two points of view:

1. as a linear sequence of events

2. as a temporal sea of eternal present

In order to understand time travel theory and its practical application, it is necessary to comprehend these two aspects.

[The Federation of Damanhur is well known all over the world for its extraordinary experiments, which border on science fiction. By uniting spirituality, art and technology, Damanhur's research groups often succeed in carrying out experiments that contemporary science considers impossible.]

link to site: www.damanhur.org

Who Controls the World.

Who Controls The World? Illuminati, Jesuits, Bilderberg, Church, Skull, Religion ? A look into the groups and secret societies that rule the world. Also a look at symbolism, satanism, Religion and occultism.

Federal Hate Bill to destroy 1st Amendment

Freedom of speech in America is threatened as never before. Passage of the federal "anti-hate" bill will lead directly to an end of free speech in America. This is what happened under similar legislation in Canada and many European nations. Without free speech, all our other freedoms will eventually vanish.

Hate Laws End Free Speech

To read the full article go to www.truthtellers.org/alerts/federalhatebilldanger.html

Please repost!!!


Ted Pike - Hate Laws (2001)

"Anti-hate," hate crimes legislation now before Congress is touted as a sincere attempt to end violent crimes of prejudice. Yet nearly identical laws in Canada and some European countries have led to a virtual ban of public discussion on certain "taboo" topics. Also, public criticism of some "identifiable groups" can be a crime, subject to large fines and years of imprisonment.

In this unprecedented expose, author and filmmaker Ted Pike rips the cover off this little-known conspiracy against freedom by B'Nai B'Rith and its "Anti-Defamation League." Now is the time to protest to your elected representatives in Congress - before it is too late.

Part 1:


Part 2:
